Frequently asked questions

What does CCGC stand for?

C.C.G.C. stands for Cambria Center for the Gifted Child. We are private pre-school (starting with Toddlers) and elementary school. We adhere to the Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory, and believe that all children are uniquely gifted and simply need the tools to support and develop their intelligence. We have a sister middle school, Cambria School of Excellence, located directly next door.

Is Breakfast/ Lunch provided by the school?

We are a satellite food program, receiving Lunch and Breakfast through the Department of Education. Both are free, regardless of income, but parents must still apply for the lunch online. Parents have the option of participating in the lunch program or providing students with lunch from home.

What are the admissions requirements?

All students entering Pre-K4 through 5th grade are asked to spend a day for observation.

Students entering first through fifth grade are tested using a standardized test with reading comprehension and math. Additionally, oral reading assessment is conducted along with a writing sample. Four year olds and Kindergarteners are given a more informal developmental assessment before being placed.

For Pre-K3, students are assessed during the summer program.

Please see the Admissions page for more information regarding the application and registration process.

Do all students wear uniforms?

Uniforms are mandatory for students in Kindergarten through fifth grade. While Pre-K is not required to do so, some parents elect to send them in uniform as well. Information regarding uniform details is given at the orientation meeting for new parents.

Is there a Parent Group Association?

CCGC has a very active PGA, which meets monthly except September, December and June. In addition, the PGA coordinates events for both parents and students including movie nights, bowling events, book fairs, holiday parties and comedy nights, to name a few.

Are there fundraising events at CCGC?

Parents are required to participate in 2-3 fundraising events during the year which vary in type. For parents who are unable to participate, a monetary payment will be accepted instead.

Does CCGC provide bus service for students?

CCGC does have bus service for our students, provided through the Department of Education’s Office of Pupil Transportation. There are a number of bus stops in our neighboring communities, for both morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off. We also provide metro cards for students who commute via public transportation.

What is your Travel Abroad program about?

As the senior trip for Cambria School of Excellence, the 8th graders choose a country around the world whose culture they are interested in learning about and experiencing. The trip takes place for 7-10 days over the school’s spring break period. Middle school students and families participate in fundraising, while the school collects donations to help offset the cost of travel for 8th grade students. The trip is also open to our families with students in lower grades. Our previously visited countries are: Ghana, France, South Africa, Japan, Cuba, Brazil and Morocco. Our destination for 2020 is Tanzania.

What activities are offered during after school?

For after school activities, we offer Dance, Chess, Voice, Drums, Steel Pan, Piano, Karate, Strings (Violin, Cello and Viola), Photography, Drama, Arts & Crafts, Computer, Lego Robotics, Architecture and Step.

What are the general class sizes?

In Toddlers (2 year olds), there are ten students in a classroom with a teacher and an assistant. In pre-school, three year olds are usually ten (10) with a teacher. Universal Pre-K classrooms are eighteen (with a teacher and an assistant. Kindergarten is usually 10-15 with one teacher. First through fifth grades may vary from thirteen (13) to twenty (20), our maximum, with a teacher.

Are there field trips for the students?

Yes. All classes attend at least three (3) trips per year. Parents are welcome to attend depending on space availability.

Are parents invited to any student performance or activity?

Throughout the year, the school and the Parent Group Association schedule many performances/activities. All students are required to perform at a school assembly. In addition, we have an Annual Music Recital, Drama and Dance Performance and Talent Show, etc.

Is CCGC licensed by any governmental agency?

Pre-kindergarten is licensed by the NYC Board of Health Bureau of Daycare. Grade school is overseen by NYS Department of Education- Non- Public School Division.

The After School Program is licensed by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services and through the Board of Health.

Does CCGC close the same holidays as the Public Schools?

No, we do not close for all the extra holidays that Public School does but we do close for all National holidays.

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